The Haunted Doll Collector: A Psychic’s Lifelong Obsession
Today (17 hours ago)
Hannah Rose, 20, is not your typical collector. While many people collect action figures, toys, or antiques, Rose has a more unusual passion, haunted dolls. Despite the physical confrontations and paranormal activity these dolls sometimes bring, Rose sees them as misunderstood spirits in need of care and understanding. She owns 13 haunted dolls and has no intention of stopping her collection anytime soon.

Hannah's fascination with the supernatural began at a young age. When she was just seven years old, she had her first paranormal experience-seeing a ghost. From that moment, her life would never be the same. She was not only able to see spirits, but she also began to develop a deep fascination with them.

“It was a very defining moment for me”, Hannah said. “Ever since then, I’ve been able to see spirits and communicate with them in ways that others can’t.”

As she grew older, Hannah discovered that her mother shared the same gift. This revelation led her to believe that the ability to see spirits could be inherited, adding a genetic element to her connection with the paranormal.

Hannah’s obsession with the paranormal eventually led her to haunted dolls. After purchasing her first haunted doll, Catherine, from eBay, she was hooked. The purchase opened up a whole new world for her, and she quickly started learning about haunted items and the spirits they could house.

“I wanted to try and help as many of them as possible”, Hannah explained. She now owns 13 haunted dolls, each with its own unique backstory and energy. The dolls, while seemingly inanimate, have a strong presence in her life. Some of them can even be mischievous.

One of her most notable dolls is Louise, who, at times, has been known to scratch her. “I have been scratched by Louise, but we made up after a communication session,” Hannah said. “Activity really fluctuates. Sometimes they can be so quiet, and other times they wreak havoc”.

Another doll, Mildred, has a habit of hiding her belongings, particularly her house keys and makeup. Despite the inconvenience, Hannah sees this behavior as part of the dolls’ personalities and doesn’t view it as something to be afraid of. “Mildred in particular likes to hide important things like my house keys or makeup. But I don’t find it that scary, to be honest”, she said.

Hannah’s approach to her haunted dolls is unusual. She doesn’t see them as malevolent objects but rather as spirits deserving of understanding and care. She has equipped herself with specialized paranormal tools to communicate with the dolls and ensure they feel heard and cared for. “I clean them up, give them someone to talk to, and generally make sure they’re okay”, she explained.

While many people would be frightened by dolls that move on their own or scratch their owner, Hannah takes a more empathetic approach. “I would be more frightened if she had hurt my family or my pets, but she never has”, Hannah said of Louise’s occasional scratches. For Hannah, her family’s safety is a priority, but the dolls themselves are treated with kindness and respect.

Hannah has no plans to stop her collection anytime soon. She’s passionate about her work as a psychic medium and believes that she was born to care for spirits. She has even expressed a desire to continue growing her collection.

“I definitely intend to keep all of them as long as I live and collect more”, she said. “I really believe these spirits are deserving of understanding homes, and I feel as though this is what I was born to do as a psychic medium”.

Despite the occasional chaos caused by the dolls, Hannah’s outlook remains positive. She views the occasional disruptions, like missing keys or unexpected scratches, as part of her unique relationship with the spirits she collects. For her, the dolls are more than just objects, they are individuals with emotions, and she feels an unwavering duty to care for them.

For Hannah, the haunted dolls represent something much deeper than just a hobby. They are a connection to the spirit world and a way to understand the mysteries of the beyond. It’s a calling that she believes is part of her life’s purpose, and she remains committed to helping the spirits in her care find peace.

Whether you find her passion fascinating or unsettling, one thing is clear: Hannah Rose’s relationship with the haunted dolls is genuine and grounded in empathy. While many might view haunted objects with fear, Hannah sees them as an opportunity to connect, understand, and care for the spirits that reside within them.
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