The Enfield Haunting - Episode 20 - PRI Podcast - 9th September 2024
 Online Paranormal Shows
Tuesday 10th, September 2024
2 minute read.
Ireland Report / Story
Episode twenty of season two sees PRI talk about one of the best documented poltergeist cases of modern times, the Enfield Haunting.

The Enfield Poltergeist is one of the most documented and notorious cases of apparent haunting in modern history. It took place in a council house in Enfield, North London, between 1977 and 1979.

The story began in August 1977 when Peggy Hodgson, a single mother living with her four children, called the police to report strange disturbances in her home. The phenomena included moving furniture, knocking sounds, and objects being thrown. One of the most chilling aspects of the case was the apparent possession of her 11-year-old daughter, Janet. Witnesses, including neighbors and journalists, reported seeing furniture moving and objects flying through the air, and Janet was seemingly thrown across rooms and levitated.

The events attracted significant media attention and the investigation of paranormal researchers. Notably, Maurice Grosse and Guy Lyon Playfair, members of the Society for Psychical Research, spent considerable time at the Hodgson residence. They documented the phenomena, capturing audio and photographic evidence of the disturbances, including recordings of Janet speaking in a deep, raspy voice that was uncharacteristic of her normal speech.

Skeptics have argued that the events were hoaxes, citing instances where the children were caught bending spoons and bouncing around as if to simulate levitation. Janet herself admitted to faking some incidents but maintained that most of the phenomena were genuine.

The Enfield Poltergeist case has been the subject of various books, documentaries, and a dramatization in the British television series "The Enfield Haunting," as well as inspiring aspects of the movie "The Conjuring 2." Despite extensive investigations, the Enfield case remains controversial, with divided opinions on whether it was a genuine haunting or an elaborate hoax.

Checkout the episode link at the bottom of the article.
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